Thursday, December 31, 2009

Dear D. Bruce Sewell, Esq of Intel Corporation - Intel Shareholders were Warned about this Trillion Dollar Liability Right?

"From: Eliot Bernstein
To: D. Bruce Sewell, Esq.
Senior Vice President - General Counsel
Intel Corporation

March 06, 2009

Regarding: Follow Up of March 3, 2009 Phone Discussion: Responsible Business Judgements; Financial Accounting Standards Board "FASB" Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 5 Accounting for Contingencies Reporting Requirements; Limited Time Offer.

As a Follow up from our telephone discussion .... I wish to make several observations as part of this 24 hour limited time offer to enter a sound and responsible business negotiations on behalf of the Intel Corporation.

As you will note further herin, there is definate and certain action to be taken at the conclusion of the 24 hour period commencing upon 3PM EST On Friday March 06 th, 2009 ... and ending on Monday, March 9th 2009. Thus, you may wish to pay particular attention herein...

As you will see, it is Respectfully requested and suggested that you, Mr. Sewell, Senior Vice President - General Counsel of the Intel Corporation, will be making a sound and proper business decision herein by taking this matter and limited time offer to negotiate to your Chairman and CEO within 24-Hours herein.

Please read below to see the definite and certain action that I will be taking in the event you do not properly bring this matter to the Chairman and CEO within 24 hours for their response which will be due 48 hours after the ending of such 24 hour period.

As the original Owner and Inventor of backbone "technologies" and a business person myself, I was alarmed and shocked at your hostile resistance to commence sound, responsible business discussions in this matter and further alarmed at the hostile reaction you exibited when I suggested speaking with the Chairman and the CEO of Intel Corporation in this Matter.

I respectfully suggest that you, Mr. D. Bruce Sewell, Esq. have admitted to failing and may be presently and currently failing in a variety of legal and ethical obligations under law and codes of conduct and as it relates to Intel and the rights of the shareholders and others in Intel and other interested parties who may incur liablilited.

This Failure centers around your admission that "Contingent" liability has not been booked and will not be booked on the records of Intel as it relates to my claims as Original Owner and Inventor of backbone technologies as set out further herein. "

Click Below and Read this Full Document as D. Bruce Sewell of Intel Corporation, Real 3D, Inc. , Tim Connolly, Lawrence Palle, Craig R. Barrett, Brian G. Utley and More are discussed...

Source of Post - Take a Good Look
Intel Scams
More Links on the Evils of the Intel Corporation
as Connected to the Stolen Patent, Stolen Technology
of the Real Iviewit Inventors.
craig barrett

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